Community Foundation for Delta County weekly happenings
Community Foundation for Delta County weekly happenings
Community Foundation for Delta County weekly happenings.
Community Foundation for Delta County donates AED to the City of Escanaba utility department.
Community Foundation for Delta County and Highline partners with the Catherine Bonifas Civic Center for Halloween Celebration.
Community Foundation for Delta County presents check to Mariucci Family Beacon House.
UPSF & Wildlife Presents Grant Monies for NTA Kid's Cave Project
Mr. Charlie Becker, Board Member of the Upper Peninsula Sustainable Forest & Wildlife (UPSF & Wildlife) presents a check in the amount of $2,000.00 to Mr. Roy Dahlgren, U. P. Convention Coordinator, Mr. Kent Weil, NTA Kid’s Cave Coordinator and Mr. Randy Johnston, U. P. Kid’s Cave Coordinator with the Upper Peninsula Trapper’s Association.
“We are so grateful to the UPSF & Wildlife for their generous grant donation to the Upper Peninsula Trapper’s Association for our NTA Kid’s Cave project. Their donation allows us to provide a free fun-filled educational space for kids to experience a myriad of outdoor activities including; hunting, fishing and trapping during our 64th National Trapper’s Association Convention being held July 27 thru July 29, 2023 at the U. P. State Fairgrounds,“ stated Mr. Johnston and Mr. Weil.
“The UPSF & Wildlife encourages and promotes people of all ages to get out and enjoy our beautiful Upper Peninsula. Whether it be a nature trail hike; bike ride, enjoying our beautiful U. P. waterfronts or learning about the outdoors, or skills to learn how to hunt, fish or trap, the Upper Peninsula offers it all,” commented Mr. Becker.
“If you have never had the opportunity to come to a National Trappers Association Convention & Outdoor Show, we encourage you to stop by and check out everything we have to offer,” commented Mr. Dahlgren.
If you’re not able to attend and want to learn more about the National Trappers Association Convention & Outdoor Shows; Convention Highlights, Demonstrators, Inside Vendors and Kids Activities visit:
NTA Convention – UP Trappers 2023.
If you would like to be able to help support projects in your community
through either:
The UPSF & Wildlife Fund
The Community Foundation for Delta County
you can do so by visiting
Drop off a donation to:
2420 1st Avenue South Escanaba, MI 49829.
For good. For ever.
YAC Gives Grant to UP Trappers Association for NTA Kid’s Cave
Mr. Roy Dahlgren, U. P. Convention Coordinator, Mr. Kent Weil, NTA Kid’s Cave Coordinator and Mr. Randy Johnston, U. P. Kid’s Cave Coordinator with the Upper Peninsula Trapper’s Association accept a $2,000.00 check from Mrs. Diana Clark, Community Foundation for Delta County Youth Advisory Committee Co-Coordinator.
“We are so grateful to the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) for their generous grant donation to the Upper Peninsula Trapper’s Association - NTA Kid’s Cave project. Their donation allows us to provide a free fun-filled educational space for kids to experience a myriad of outdoor activities including; hunting, fishing and trapping during our 64th National Trapper’s Association Convention being held July 27 thru July 29, 2023 at the U. P. State Fairgrounds,“ stated Mr. Johnston and Mr. Weil.
“The Youth Advisory Committee was more than excited to help out the Upper Peninsula Trappers Association with their NTA Kid’s Cave. With the wide variety of activities, workshops and seminars being offered to children, encouraging learning and offering hands on experiences, we know we wanted to help make the NTA Kid’s Cave a success,” commented Mrs. Clark.
“If you have never had the opportunity to come to a U. P. Trappers Convention Event, we really encourage you to stop by and check us out. People from all over the World will be in attendance and there are variety of things of interest for every age group,” commented Mr. Dahlgren.
If you would like to be able to help support projects in our community through the Community Foundation for Delta County Youth Advisory Committee, you can do so by: Visiting:,
Mail or drop off a donation to:
2420 1st Avenue South
Escanaba, MI 49829
Together we can make a difference.
For good. For ever.
The UPSF & W is accepting Grant Applications for the October 2023 Grant Round
Mr. Charles Becker, Chair of the Grants Committee for the Upper Peninsula Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Fund (UPSF & W), a fund of the Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula (CFUP), announced today that grant applications are being accepted for the October 2023 grants round. He stated, “Eligible non-profit organizations and sub-divisions of government are eligible to submit applications to the community foundation for grants that meet the guidelines of the UPSF & W Fund.”
Upper Peninsula Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Fund grant applications can be obtained at the Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula office at 2420 1st Avenue South Escanaba, Michigan; by calling the foundation’s office at 1-906-789-5972, e-mailing or visiting the Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula website.
Those interested in obtaining an Upper Peninsula Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Fund grant must have an original and six (6) copies turned in to the community foundation office prior to 3:30 P.M. (EST) on Monday, October 2nd, 2023, otherwise your request may not be considered.
All those requesting grants from the UPSF & Wildlife Fund will be notified in writing, as to whether or not they have been successful in receiving their grant application request. Members of the Upper Peninsula Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Fund Committee will make their grant recommendations to the full Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula board of trustees at their regularly scheduled board meeting at the end of October 2023. All applicants will usually be notified by mail within the first 10-14 days of the following month.
For good. For ever.
Days River Nature Trail Boardwalk Project receives Grant from The UPSF & Wildlife Fund
Mr. Charlie Becker and Mr. Glenn VandeWater
Mr. Charlie Becker, Board Member of the Upper Peninsula Sustainable Forest & Wildlife (UPSF & Wildlife) and Board Chair of the Community Foundation for Delta County (CFFDC) presents a check from the UPSF & Wildlife fund in the amount of $2,000.00 to Mr. Glenn VandeWater, Delta County Non-motorized Trails (DCNT) Board Project Foreman for the Days River Nature Trail Boardwalk Project.
“We are so grateful to the UPSF & Wildlife and the CFFDC for their generous grant donations to Days River Nature Trail Boardwalk project. Their donations allowed us to install 480 feet of boardwalk segments in low spots along the mile long loop trail just north of Kipling which allows residents and visitors to traverse its entirety without getting wet, enjoying views of the beautiful Days River and Little Bay De Noc. We also will update the current kiosk with new signage and a roof, “stated Mr. VandeWater.
“The UPSF & Wildlife collaborated with the Community Foundation for Delta County and the CFFDC awarded the Delta County Non-motorized Trails a grant in the amount of $3,000.00 to help with their project. Both grant committees supported the project which promotes and allows people of all ages the opportunity to get out and enjoy this beautiful U. P. nature trail,” commented Mr. Becker.
If you would like to be able to help support projects in our community through either the UPSF & Wildlife Fund
the Community Foundation for Delta County,
Visit Online:
Mail/drop off a donation to:
2420 1st Avenue South Escanaba, MI 49829.
For good. For ever.
Delta Animal Shelter Receives Funds from Dr. M.L. Cretens Fund
Mr. Brian Pahnke-Community Foundation for Delta County Board of Trustee Member, Mrs. Susan Gartland-Director, Delta County Animal Shelter and Mrs. Tonya Gartland-Event Coordinator of the Delta County Animal Shelter
Community Foundation for Delta County Board of Trustee Member, Mr. Brian Pahnke presents a check in the amount of $19,391.04 from the Dr. Mary L. Cretens fund, to Mrs. Susan Gartland, Director and Mrs. Tonya Gartland, Event Coordinator of the Delta County Animal Shelter.
Mr. Pahnke commented, “Dr. Cretens loved her cat, Patty Purr, and she wanted to insure the Delta County Animal Shelter received a portion of her annual philanthropy to take care of all the animals the shelter takes in each year. The Delta County Animal Shelter does so much good for animals abandoned, neglected or dropped off. Dr. Cretens annual funds play a huge part of the shelter taking care of these animals and in helping relocate them to loving families.”
Both Susan and Tonya Gartland, expressed the shelters appreciation for Dr. Cretens annual gift and said, “It is a big help to the animal shelter in fulfilling our Mission. It’s because of Dr. Cretens thoughtfulness, caring for animals and wanting to make a continues difference, For good. For ever., that really helps us ensure we can properly take care of our shelter animals”.
If you’re interested in finding out how you can start a fund and give to place dear to your heart, please contact the community foundation by calling 906-786-6654, email: or stop in and see us at 2420 1st Avenue South Escanaba, Michigan.
The Community Foundation for Delta County is a 501 (c)(3) organization and proud to be certified by National Standards.
For good. For ever.
Boy Scout Troop 411 Eagle Scout Project-Timber Sports Pavilion Receives Grant
pictured Mr. Willard Carne, Sr and Eagle Scout Candidate Blake Pfister
Mr. Willard Carne, Sr., Board Chair of the Community Foundation for Delta County Grants Committee is pictured presenting a $2,000 check to Boy Scout Troop 411, Eagle Scout Candidate Blake Pfister.
After our Grants Committee reviewed, discussed and made their final decisions on all of the April Grant Applications received, the Boy Scout Troop 411 Eagle Scout Project – Timber Sports Pavilion application was one of many approved. The committee liked the vision, ambition and benefit the Timber Sports Pavilion would bring to our community.
Eagle Scout Candidate Pfister was excited to hear of their grant application being approved and couldn’t wait to get started on the project. He commented, “We are so thankful to the Community Foundation for Delta County Grants Committee for approving our grant application. The renovation needed to make animal stables into a Timber Sports Pavilion is a lot of work but once done will be a great place for the Great Lakes Timber Show to put on their performance and for people to learn about our history and timber industry. Not only am I working on the renovation, I’m a log roller myself. We are looking forward to performing for the American Queen Voyages passengers, our community and during the U. P. State Fair.”
For good. For ever.
Community Foundation for Delta County Past Board Chair and current Board Member, Mr. Bob VanDamme presents a check from the Robert F. & Anne M. Schmit endowment fund, held in the community foundation, for $1,606.30 to Bay de Noc Community College Vice President of Advancement, Mrs. Kim Carne.
Mr. & Mrs. Schmit were longtime residents of the area, involved in the community and cared about people, especially those in their community. They wanted to make a difference and started the Robert F. and Anne M. Schmit Endowment Fund with the Community Foundation for Delta County, an affiliate of the Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula. They know starting a fund with the community foundation was the way to go, to ensure that they would make a difference in a variety of programs and in the lives of people who lived in their community, For good. For ever. The Schmit Fund provides annual gifts not only to Bay College but also to a number of other organizations and will continue to in the future thru their endowment fund held by the Community Foundation for Delta County.
Mrs. Carne said, “Bay College is grateful to Robert F. & Anne M. Schmit endowment fund for their wonderful gift to Bay de Noc Community College. Their gift will be used to provide scholarships to a number of students with financial needs. It is my pleasure on behalf of the Bay College Board, Staff and Students that I “thank” the Schmit fund, family and community foundation for the financial support provided to the college”.
If you’re interested in finding out how you can start a fund and give to places dear to your heart, now and into the future, please contact the community foundation by calling 906-786-6654, emailing: or stop by 2420 1st Avenue South Escanaba, Michigan.
We are a 501 (c)(3) organization and proud to be certified by National Standards.
For good. For ever.
Candy Swetkis Endowment Fund Established with the Community Foundation for Delta County, an affiliate of the Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula.
Charlie Becker, Chair of the Community Foundation for Delta County, is shown here accepting a check from Anne Okonek to create the Candace Swetkis Memorial Endowment Fund.
Candy Swetkis was an earth sciences teacher at the Escanaba Junior High School for 27 years, and also an accomplished fastpitch and slowpitch softball player for over 55 years. She passed away in 2022 and in her memory, an endowment fund has been created to benefit area girls and women. The endowment will fund in perpetuity the Candace Swetkis Memorial Teaching Scholarship, which will be awarded annually to an Escanaba High School graduate who intends to continue her secondary education in the field of teaching. The first scholarship will be awarded on May 24th, 2023.
The endowment fund will also be available to non-profit organizations for projects or activities that will benefit girls and women, particularly in education and athletics.
To make a donation to the Candy Swetkis Memorial Endowment Fund, or for more information on requesting funds from the endowment that are consistent with the purpose of the endowment, contact the Community Foundation for Delta County at 906-786-6654.
For good. For ever.
Robert & Anne Schmit Fund Annual Award to William Bonifas Fine Arts Center
Community Foundation for Delta County Board Chair, Mr. Charles Becker, presents a check for $7,170.08 to Ms. Heather Grimes Event Coordinator of the Williams Bonifas Fine Arts Center. The funds are an annual gift from the Robert & Anne Schmit Endowment Fund held in the community foundation.
Mr. Becker stated, “The Community Foundation Board of Trustees is pleased and excited to be able to provide these funds from the Robert & Anne Schmit Endowment Fund annual distribution to the William Bonifas Fine Arts Center. The Art Center plays such an important role in the cultural affairs of the community and bring many people from outside the community to view their art displays; take part in their workshops or attend a play. Not only do they offer a wide variety of unique and specialty pieces of permeant art to view in their gallery, they also have many beautiful one of a kind items for sale.”
“The annual gift we receive from the Robert & Anne Schmit Endowed Fund is essential to the success of the William Bonifas Fine Arts Center. We are privileged to have the Community Foundation for Delta County following the philanthropic wishes of their donors and for the hundreds of thousands of dollars they grant to this community each year,” commented Ms. Grimes.
If you’re interested in finding out how you can start a fund and give to place dear to your heart, please contact the community foundation by calling 906-786-6654, email: or stop in at 2420 1st Avenue South Escanaba, Michigan.
We are a 501 (c)(3) organization and proud to be certified by National Standards.
For good. For ever.
City of Gladstone receives an Annual Disbursement from the Dr. Mary L. Cretens Endowment Fund
Community Foundation for Delta County Board Members, Mr. Bob VanDamme and Mr. Will Carne, Sr. along with Board Chair, Mr. Charles Becker, presents the City of Gladstone Manager, Mr. Eric Buckman and Treasurer, Ms. Vicki Schroeder with an annual distribution from the Dr. Mary L. Cretens Endowment Fund in the amount of $158,432.80.
Mr. VanDamme stated, “Dr. Cretens was a lifelong resident of the City of Gladstone and she loved her community. She exemplified the Community Foundation’s motto “For good. For ever.” such that, upon her passing she had her trust and philanthropic giving turned over to the Community Foundation for Delta County, an affiliate of the Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula, to make her gifts to a number of organizations that she cared deeply about”.
“Dr. Cretens was a longtime member of our foundation board and served on our executive committee. She cared a great deal about people and she knew the Community Foundation would be in existence well into the future and therefore the perfect vehicle to undertake her gifting after her passing,” stated Mr. Carne.
Mr. Buckman and Ms. Schroeder expressed their sincere thanks to Dr. Cretens and the Community Foundation on behalf of the citizens of the community. “We are well aware of the tremendous amount of money we have received from Dr. Mary Cretens Endowment fund held in the Community Foundation for Delta County and the funds we will continue to receive in the future. The impact Dr. Cretens generosity has made throughout the years, and will continue to make well into the future, to the City of Gladstone and its citizens is astronomical. Our gratitude to her thoughtful philanthropy and the foundations commitment and respect for Dr. Cretens is astounding.”
“Dr. Cretens insight for the future of community, people and animals is amazing. This year the community foundation has distributed annual gifts totaling over $323,000.00 from the Dr. Mary L. Cretens Endowment Fund. Her fund has had and will continue to have an enormous impact on so many,” stated Mr. Becker.
If you’re interested in finding out how you can start a fund and give to places dear to your heart, now and into the future, please contact the community foundation by calling 906-786-6654, email: or stop in at 2420 1st Avenue South Escanaba, Michigan.
We are a 501 (c)(3) organization and proud to be certified by National Standards.
For good. For ever.
Community Foundation awards Dr. Mary L. Cretens Funds
The Community Foundation for Delta County Board Member, Mr. Bob VanDamme presents a check in the amount of $58,173.12 to Bay de Noc Community College Vice President of Advancement, Mrs. Kim Carne. The funds presented to the college are from the Dr. Mary L. Cretens endowment fund held by the community foundation.
“It’s with a great deal of pleasure that the community foundation makes Dr. Mary L. Cretens annual gift of financial support to the college. Dr. Cretens wish was to support students who wanted to continue their education beyond high school, either in college or the building trades, and her substantial gift will do exactly what she wanted. She was a member and officer of the community foundation prior to her passing and trusted her charitable giving to the Community Foundation because she knew her wishes, in her giving, would be honored”, stated Mr. VanDamme.
Mrs. Carne “thanked” the Community Foundation for Delta County for all they do and Dr. Mary L. Cretens for the financial support provided to the college. She continued, “Dr. Cretens annual gift has, and will continue to have, a profound impact on many students’ with providing financial support. It also includes funds for science textbooks or other suitable materials for our Library”.
If you’re interested in finding out how you can start a fund and give to places dear to your heart, now and into the future, please contact the community foundation by calling 906-786-6654, email: or stop in at 2420 1st Avenue South Escanaba, Michigan.
We are a 501 (c)(3) organization and proud to be certified by National Standards.
For good. For ever.
Gartlands donate $20,000 to Memory Care Center
Courtesy photo Ken Gartland presented a $20,000 check, written from the Kenneth and Patricia Gartland Endowment Fund, to the Gary Abrahamson, Jr. Memory Care Center
Ken Gartland described his philosophy of giving and why he donated to the GAJMCC at this time: “My favorite quote is, ‘He who gives when he lives knows where it goes.'”
Gartland, who has owned several businesses in Escanaba since 1962, (and whose sons currently own these growing businesses), said, “We want to give back to the people of this community who supported us over the years; that’s why we’re giving back.”Ken and Pat Gartland presented the $20,000 check, written from the Kenneth and Patricia Gartland Endowment Fund, a fund held by the Community Foundation for Delta County, an affiliate of the Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula.
If you would like to know more about how to give back to Delta County visit the CFUP web site at :
Veterans Easter Basket Program Needs Your Help
Thanks to our Platinum Sponsors for their sponsorship with the Delta County Veteran Easter Baskets Program, BUT we still need help to meet the demand to help our Delta County Veterans.